Saturday, April 19, 2008

Six weeks and counting....

It is so hard to believe that my time here is drawing to an end. Six weeks is all that remains of this Nepali adventure. I am blessed to yet again have been in Nepal during such an important and significant time in its history. Being here during the Constituent Assembly elections has been exciting. Watching Nepalese take their future into their own hands; seeing believer’s take responsibility for voting; demonstrations, demonstrations, demonstrations. Loud speakers shouting catchy slogans and bashing their opponents. These have all been very visible aspects of the elections. And they happened, PEACEFULLY! It was so surprising. While I have been in Nepal, the elections were postponed twice, and many thought it might also get postponed a third time. Many were worried about violence and retaliation, but the elections were peaceful. The people of Nepal have decided to let the Maoist Party write their constitution. They have decided that communistic ideology is the best ideology. I can’t say I am happy about it, or that I am not afraid of the future of mission and Christianity in Nepal, but I am happy that the people have voted. From the frying pan into the fire: I am hoping to head to Lhasa, Tibet in June, to see the Potala Palace and then go to Xining, where I have some friends studying. I will spend about a week and a half there, seeing friends from my school in 1999 and also some Nepalese and Pakistanis that are training and staffing there. I am excited to go to a new place, and to see friends. Please be praying for my time. The news is rife with stories of Tibetan refugees and Chinese oppression. I want to see this land, but need to be careful as well. I want to go to Tibet directly, but the area is currently closed to foreigners. After China, I will go to Pakistan to see other friends. I am so excited to go and see them in their home and ministry. I will be applying for a Pakistani Visa this week, as well as filing for an extension to my Nepali visa for the last month I am here. Please continue to pray for me and my upcoming travels. THANKS!